pikhq's site 'n things


The Captain’s Quarters BBS menu, displayed in monochrome green on a CRT monitor. On the left is a poorly-rendered example of ANSI art, and on the right is the menu. The options are: forums, quickscan all forums, games (door games), system news, masters of trivia, text files, download sections, AE line, CQ file server, last few leeches, BBS listing, user listing, info about CQ, email user, report to sysop, preferences, yap with cap, and outa here - logoff

Felt like a decent day to mess around and try BBSing from my Apple IIc. Got tcpser working, sooo here we are :3

While I got you here though, lemme ask you something: anyone got any idea why tcpser and ProTerm might not get along all that well? When I try and configure ProTerm to treat tcpser as a generic Hayes modem it seems to work really inconsistently. Things work fine if I speak Hayes modem myself, and turn off flow control, but that’s just not quite as nice as hitting “dial” in the menu.