pikhq's site 'n things

Laid off ’n stuff

Well, this week’s been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster!

Last Friday, I found out my job used SVB bank and because of the bank run and bank closure we might not make payroll. I was gearing up for layoffs or furloughs or what have you, not a fun time.

Late Sunday afternoon, the feds decided “oh we’re gonna make sure all deposits are fine!” And all was well. Surely this’d be fine. Got back to expecting to be gainfully employed, some nice peace of mind happened…

Then, on Wednesday, got sick, and started feeling much worse yesterday. Still do feel sick, not a fan.

And finally, today, got told that I’m getting laid off anyways. Not because of SVB, but because of other shit. So, blargh.

Anyways, this week fucking sucked; I want a refund.